
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why Hire A Veteran

Click Read More... for a great article from Robert Harding at WorkOne Bloomington about why to hire veterans.
Proven Leadership: Veterans were put into leadership roles at early
stages of their time in the service. The real world, front line and
often battle proven leadership developed in the military is well beyond
that of a similar person in a civilian job.
Mission Focused: Every member of the military is used to working in an
environment that is focused on the mission at hand. They are not
clock-watchers, but rather are focused on what it takes to be successful
in their mission.
Team Players: From the early stages initial training, all members of the
military are used to working in a team environment. Some teams are
small, others very large, but all members of the team know that their
individual efforts are to support the team in reaching the larger
Work Ethic: The work ethic of veterans is unparalleled due to the need
to depend on each other for their lives. Every military person knows
that their life and success depends on their teammates. As a result, the
work ethic of veterans is vastly stronger than the normal civilian work
ethic. People who have served in the military are used to working long
hours in non-traditional environments.
Training and Education: Today's military veteran has been trained in
nearly every occupation imaginable, with a strong emphasis on
technology. Most of the training schools of the military that teach
technology, leadership, sales, management and operations surpass those
available to civilians.
Immediate Contributor: Veterans, through their proven experiences in the
military, become valuable contributors from day one of employment.
Veterans are used to being challenged, encouraged to demonstrate
initiative, think quickly on their feet and give recognition for
performance to those who earn it.
Background Checks and Security Clearances: Over 90 percent of those in
the military have had extensive background checks for various levels of
security clearances. When you hire a veteran, they are less likely to
become a risk to your operation. And if your company requires security
clearances, a veteran can save you a great deal of money on special
background investigations since the veteran can be transferred in

Robert Harding
Disabled Veterans
Employment Representative
WorkOne Bloomington
450 S. Landmark Ave. P. O. Box 3000
Bloomington, Indiana 47402-3000
Ph: (812) 331-6000 Ext 243 Fax (821)331-6010

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