
Monday, November 28, 2011

10 Pointers for your First Year on the Job

• Be humble! Lose the ego and sense of entitlement.
• Be a sponge! Strive to learn as much as possible about the culture of your new employer.
• Be resourceful! Know where to go for the answers you need.
• Be visible! Volunteer for projects that are available to you and speak up if you have valuable ideas to contribute.
• Be social and approachable! Network with team members in and outside of your department or immediate work group.
• Be patient! Mastery of your job function and rewards for your accomplishments will come in due time.
• Be honest! Have integrity and be accountable for your actions and choices.
• Be a good listener! Do a little less talking, a little more listening, and ask great questions.
• Be selective! Pay attention to the company you keep and surround yourself with positive, professional, and motivated peers. No gossiping or participating in office politics.
• Be prepared! Remain as punctual, professionally dressed, and well spoken as you were when you interviewed. Don't get overly comfortable.

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