
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Veterans' Employment & Training Service

Veterans Workforce Investment Program (VWIP) Information

Eligible Applicants: Applications for funds will be accepted from State and Local Workforce Investment Boards, Public agencies, non-profit organizations, including faith-based and community-based and neighborhood partnerships. Applicants must have a familiarity with the area and population to be served and the ability to administer an effective and timely program

Note that entities organized under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code are not eligible to receive funds under this announcement. Section18 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, Public Law 104-65, 109 Stat. 691 (2 U.S.C. 1611) prohibits instituting an award, grant, or loan of federal funds to 501(c)(4) entities that engage in lobbying.

Entities that are debarred or suspended shall be excluded from Federal financial assistance and are ineligible to receive a VWIP grant.

2012 VWIP Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA)

2012 Application Forms:
Application for Federal Assistance. (SF 424 ) (PDF)
Budget Information – Non-Construction Programs. (SF 424A) (PDF)
Assurances - Non-Contructions programs (PDF)
PY 2012 Competitive Grants Goals Chart (MS Excel®)
Direct Cost Descriptions For Applicants and Sub-Applicants (MS Word®)
Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants (MS Word®)
Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) for Competetive Grants PY 2012 (MS Word®)
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement NICRA (MS Word®)
Definitions and Terms (MS Word®)
Veterans' Program Letter (PDF)
Project Performance Site Locations (PDF)

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