
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Check Out and Apply for Open Federal Jobs!

Are you interested in helping fellow Veterans overcome mental health challenges? The Department of Veterans Affairs is hiring hundreds of Peer Support Specialists and Peer Support Apprentices to assist Veterans recovering from mental health issues - including depression and PTSD. Select the position title to view the entire job posting.
Nationwide locations
The Peer Specialist has faced a mental health and/or co-occurring condition and has been trained and certified to help others with these conditions. He or she helps Veterans identify and achieve specific life and recovery goals. The Peer Specialist is actively engaged in his or her own recovery and supports others seeking mental health treatment.
Nationwide locations
The Peer Support Apprentice has a mental health and/or co-occurring condition, and has real world experience in helping others deal with their issues. During the first year of employment, Peer Support Apprentices have the opportunity to become trained and certified, which is paid for by VA.
The positions above close on April 15. Check out the full list of Peer Specialist and Peer Support Apprentice vacancies and apply for positions across the country. Learn more about VA's Peer Support program.
VA for Vets News At-A-Glance
Enhance your VA for Vets experience by taking advantage of the Virtual Collaboration Workspace. This Web-based environment is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week for Veterans and Military Service Members. You can:
  • Chat with a Vet Rep, who can provide a needs-assessment, conduct a pre-coaching session orientation, and schedule a coaching session.
  • Meet with a Veteran employment coordinator to learn more about the VA hiring process and receive guidance about finding non-competitive jobs, completing federal job applications, and preparing for interviews.
  • Attend live or on-demand training webinars. Training resources are coming soon.
  • Download helpful materials related to the deployment lifecycle, job search and federal application process.
The Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) oversees VA for Vets, a comprehensive career management program that enables Veterans to successfully join the civilian workforce. To learn more, visit Get the latest VA for Vets news by joining the conversation on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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