We know that searching for a new job is a big undertaking. That’s why Hero2Hired (H2H) was created: to make it easy for Reserve Component service members to connect to and find jobs with mili-tary-friendly companies. Service Members who post their resume on H2H receive in state support through the Joint Employment Coordi-nation Program. The Service members are contacted by the Employ-ment staff and each resume is reviewed. Employers who sign up on the website are also contacted by the employment staff. Another way to create partnerships and assist employers and service members. Make sure to hand out the employment information for those un-employed service members during briefings and conferences!
Program Integration and Training
Last year, HQ ESGR developed a set of 12 interactive e-Learning modules. Links to these modules are available on the recently redesigned
www.ESGR.mil web page. From a New Member Introduction to Managing, Mentoring and Coaching Volunteers, the modules span the spec-trum of ESGR programs and initiatives and should serve as valuable tools to assist with train-ing volunteers.
You can find the E-Learning modules by choosing the "
Volunteers" drop down and selecting "Resources/Library". You will
find links to the mod-ules under Training, "
ESGR E–Learning".
We hope you find the modules useful in your role supporting ESGR.
Military Unit Liaison Training
Are you a Military Unit Liaison but have some ques-tions about your role? How do I make contact with a unit? Who do I speak to? What do I need to be pre-pared to talk with them about? What are my duties?
Mark your calendar!
March 4, 2013
June 3, 2013
September 9, 2013
We will now be conducting quarterly meetings to dis-cuss the Military Outreach Program. Lead by Director, Jim Patton, we will be utilizing the program "Go-To- Meeting" so everyone can attend "virtually" simply by logging into their computers and calling in.
Each meeting will begin promptly at
7:30pm on the dates listed above. Roll call will be taken so we can document your training and volunteer hours.
Indiana ESGR
Technology, Training
The EBV-F program is an education and training program offered by the
Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University and the Florida State
University College of Business. The program leverages the flexibility inherent
in small business ownership to provide a vocational and economic
"path-forward" for military family members who are now caregivers to
a wounded warrior, the surviving spouse of a military member who gave his or
her life in service to our country and active duty military spouses.
The EBV-F program integrates training in small business management, with
caregiver and family issues, positioning the family member to launch and grow a
small business in a way that is complementary or enhancing to other family
responsibilities. Modeled after the existing Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for
Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) initiative, the EBV Families program will be
offered without any cost to accepted applicants.
Applications will be accepted from:
An eligible family member is a spouse, parent, sibling, adult child or other
first-degree family member who plays a support role (health, educational,
work-related, or in any other way) for the veteran. (Applicant does not need to
be a caregiver designated by the VA.)
The surviving spouse or adult child of a soldier, sailor, airman, coast
guardsman or Marine (active, Guard or Reserves) who lost their life while
serving in the military post-9/11.
Spouses of active duty military currently serving may also apply.
A complete application includes:
· A complete, filled out
application (attached)
· 2 letters of recommendation
· A current resume
Learn more about EBV-F @
We are now accepting applications at Syracuse University. The dates for the
SU program are March 8 – 15, 2013. The application deadline is February 6,
*EBV-F is a completive program, but if accepted is offered at 100% zero cost
to participants due to generous corporate and private donations. The
courses do not require use of GI Bill benefits.
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