Thursday, March 21, 2013

Indiana State Police Opening New Recruit Class

Time Sensitive: Applications deadline 03/31/13 for 73rd Recruit Academy.

 For details, please see:

Trooper candidates:
1. Must be a United States citizen.
2. Must be at least 21 and less than 40 years old when appointed as a police employee.
3. Must have vision correctable to 20/50.
4. Must possess a valid driver's license.
5. Must have a high school diploma or GED.
6. Must be willing, if appointed, to reside and serve anywhere within the State of Indiana.

No exception will be made for anyone who does not meet all requirements.

 No applicant will be discriminated against with the respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry. The Indiana State Police adheres to all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Department will endeavor to select, hire and retain the best qualified applicants available.

The Indiana State Police is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All candidates must meet minimum selection criteria and successfully complete the application and selection process prior to being granted a conditional offer of employment to attend the Indiana State Police Recruit Academy.

Point of Contact Information:
Employment Coordination Program
Employment Coordination Program
4-5 Digit or Extension: 72690
E-mail Address:



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Resume Workshop Today!!


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Job Fair for Hoosier Veterans


Friday, March 15, 2013

Boy Scouts of America - Summer Camp Employment

Hoosier Trails Council 
"E-news" March 2013
Table of Contents
·         Now Hiring Summer Camp Staff
·         Venturing Ranger Quest
·         2013 Council Training Courses
Clicking the Blue Links will launch addtional information.
This week the 2013 Maumee Scout Reservation Leader's Guide was released to help troop's prepare for an awesome summer camp adventure.  There are new programs and Merit Badges being offered and a comprehensive master schedule is included to be more user-friendly.  This new release suppliments the Planning Guide that was released back in December.  Next month a Family Guide will be launched that is aimed at helping families prepare for their son's time at camp.  We are looking forward to having a great camping session and encourage your unit to stay on top of its planning.  The ability to register for classes will go live later in March, so stay tuned! 
The 2013 Council Recognition Gala is scheduled for Sunday, April 21st at the Seasons Lodge in Nashville, IN and will recognize the achievements of several Scouters and the 2012 Class of Eagle Scouts.  Please join us in recognizing this year's recepients of the Silver Beaver Award, which is the highest honor the council can bestow upon a volunteer leader.  This year's awardees are:
Diane Bohman - Batesville, Art Haldeman - Bloomington, Deidre Hawkins - Greensburg, Carl Horne - Bloomington
Get more information on this celebration of Scouting and register today!
Boy Scouts of America now hiring a few remaining positions for Maumee Scout Reservation, Norman, Indiana (45 minutes from Bloomington, Columbus, Seymour or Bedford in the Hoosier National Forest).

Food Service Manager
Chef/Sous Chef Manager
Camp Medic/EMT
Shooting Sports Instructor
Are you tired of doing the same old routine? Did you know that the Boy Scouts of America operates a local Scout camp? Our camp offers opportunities for a variety of summer camp staff jobs. Most Scout camp staff members are adults, but the minimum age is 15 years of age. There is also a staff training program for youth who are a year or so younger. The national high-adventure programs employ young people who are at least 18 years of age. The Boy Scouts of America is an equal opportunity employer that hires females and males, as well as people of all ages and ethnic groups, diverse cultures, and mixed abilities. 



Proposed “SKILLS Act” raises Legion concern

The American Legion is concerned that provisions in a proposed federal act could harm the delivery of services to U.S. military veterans.
The Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills ("SKILLS") Act now being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives was introduced by Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C. The measure is designed to reform the nation’s workforce-development system by, among other things, streamlining what the sponsors consider duplicative and ineffective job-training programs.
At stake are the fates of the Legion-supported Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans’ Employment Representatives program (LVERs) as administered by the Department of Labor’s Veterans Education and Training Service (VETS). Under the proposed SKILLS Act, these programs would be replaced by Veterans Employment Specialists provided at the local level from a general allocation fund. This would eliminate VETS oversight of these outreach and employment assistance activities.

The Legion has long supported Labor’s VETS program. For instance, at its last national convention, Legion leadership adopted a

objecting to a then-active proposal to transfer VETS from the Department of Labor to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The resolution stated, in part, "DoL has expertise in job placement, job development, vocational counseling, vocational testing, job-search training, and any other area of employment services…" 

"These same attributes apply to this situation as well," said Joe Sharpe, director of the Legion’s Economic Division. "We believe strongly in the Department of Labor’s expertise and experience and think that any move to compromise VETS’ oversight of these vital veterans’ programs by eliminating the current DVOP and LVERs – would be a huge and ultimately costly mistake."
VETS itself recently issued a detailed point paper concluding, "We believe the approach taken under the SKILLS Act would reduce the level and quality of services currently provided to veterans."

In one of his first speaking engagements, Assistant Secretary of Labor Keith Kelly, who leads the VETS program,

his office’s unwavering support of job-seeking veterans. He spoke to attendees of the Legion’s Washington Conference on Feb. 26 – barely a month after he took the job.



Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Town of Avon WWII Memorial Park - Dedication Ceremony

Saturday 4 May 2013 - 3:00 - 5:00 pm - Avon Indiana
Reception at park to follow

Park is located at Northwest corner of Dan Jones and 100 South

Public is invited to attend

Brigadier General (R) Clyde C (Chet) Wright was the model for the statue.

He was a member of the 38th Infantry Division in WW II; serving with them in the Pacific. Later on he served as a Full-Time member of the Division Artillery, became an Assistant Adjutant General, and upon retirement, the Commander of the Indiana Guard Reserve.  He was also the initial recipient of the Veterans Day Council's "Major General Robert G. Moorhead Award" for continuing service to veterans, following his own retirement.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Army Suspends Tuition Assistance


Friday, March 8, 2013

Financial Counselor Fellowship


DVOP positions at Linton/Bedford/Crane and Columbus

We need DVOP's for Columbus and someone to rotate between Bedford/Crane/Linton. These positions are near Camp Atterbury and Crane so they might be great opportunities for any Guard or Reserve member.  Also, I know some service members have been effected by sequestration and may need a position immediately.
If you have anyone that you are confident has the skills and ability to take on a position as a DVOP at these locations please send me their resume or contact information as soon as possible.


Charlie McBride, Director
Veterans' Employment Program
Department of Workforce Development
10 N. Senate Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204




Monday, March 4, 2013

Job Creation and Workforce Development

Price preferences for veteran businesses: Providing our veterans with good-paying jobs and paths to successful business ownership is an important way of showing our gratitude for their sacrifices. SB 564, co-authored by Sen. Frank Mrvan, requires each state agency to set a goal of at least 10 percent veteran-owned business participation in state contracts and provides that the Indiana Economic Development Corporation help determine which purchases of supplies or services could be designated for veteran-owned small businesses.

 Hoosier veterans

Combat to College: As many veterans struggle to make the transition from combat to civilian life, lawmakers are considering legislation that will help veterans obtain a college degree. SB 115 will require state universities to establish a “Combat to College Program.” The legislation, coauthored by Sen. Richard Young, requires universities to provide a centralized location for admissions, registration and financial services; reasonable accommodations for disabled veteran students; the development of programs to provide academic guidance specifically for veterans as well as access to counseling services or resources for disabled veteran students and those veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Among other provisions, the bill requires universities to provide postsecondary credit for military training based upon recommendations by the American Council of Education.

Service skills to job training: SB 290 provides that the Emergency Medical Services Commission shall issue a license or certificate to a military service applicant who meets certain requirements. Authored by Sen. Lindel Hume, the bill would allow the commission to issue a temporary practice certificate or provisional license while the military service applicant is satisfying certain requirements as determined by the commission.


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