150th Field Artillery Division Lineage
Gules, on a pale argent six mullets of the field below a fess archy enhanced in the colors of the rainbow, between in fess a castle and a rattlesnake coiled to strike both or.
The shield is red for Artillery; the castle represents Spanish War service; the coiled snake, Mexican Border service, the six mullets (stars) the six major engagements, and the rainbow the Division in which the 150th Field Artillery served during World War I.
Motto: "Fide et Virtute" (With faith and valor.)
Current Battery Locations:
HHB- Bloomington
A- Greencastle
B- Rockville
C- Lebanon
Two Units under Command and Control of 2-150 FA E (TA) 139th FA-
Indianapolis 139th FSC- Crawfordsville
1882: 110 years ago, on the 22 Nov. 1882, the First Regiment Indiana Light Artillery was organized from the original Indiana Legion, with Col. Eli Lilly as the Chief of Artillery.
1895: In 1895 the name Indiana Legion was changed to the Indiana National Guard.
1898: Units of the 1st Battalion of Indiana Light Artillery Battalion were redesignated as the 27th and 28th Light Batteries, which served during the Spanish-American War.
1916: During the Mexican Border Campaign, the First Artillery Battalion of the Indiana National Guard served with Maj. Robert H. Tyndall commanding.
1917: While in training at Ft. Harrison, the First Indiana Field Artillery was designated as the 150th Field Artillery Regiment with assignment to the 42nd Rainbow Division, with 155 mm Howitzers, horse drawn. The 150th Regiment's engagements are represented by the six streamers on the regimental standard and the six stars on the regimental coat of arms. Col. Robert H. Tyndall was the World War I commander, 1917-19.
1921-1922: The artillery in Indiana was reorganized as the 1st Field Artillery Regiment, in 1921. In Jun.1921, it was redesignated as the 181st Field Artillery Because it was made up mostly of the 150th Field Artillery that had served during World War 1, it was redesignated as the 150th Field Artillery in Feb. 1922.
1936 – 1942: During peacetime, the annual training was mostly at Camp Knox, Ky. and Camp McCoy, Wisc. Some units were called on for various state services, such as railroad strikes, storm damages, mine strikes, etc. All units had become truck drawn by 1936. The 150th Artillery served during the flood of 1937 (as did all of the Indiana Guard). The Second Army maneuvers were held in Wisconsin, in 1940. In Jan. 1941 the 150th was inducted. In 1942, redesignated as the 150th Field Artillery Battalion, it served through the war with the 38th Infantry Division. (The 2nd Bn of the 150th was redesignated 208th Field Artillery, later redesignated 989th Field Artillery Battalion, and inactivated Feb. 1946.) Training started at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, the same camp where the division trained during World War I, and suffered the severe storm damage which gave them the name of Cyclone Division.
1943: Training continued in Camp Carrabelle, Florida and Camp Livingston, Louisiana.
1944 – 1947: Leaving New Orleans in Jan. 1944, they arrived in Hawaii for jungle training. In Jul. 1944 to New Guinea for amphibious training. The 150th Artillery was engaged at Bataan, Zigzag Pass, Corregidor, Manila Bay, Wah Wah Dam of the Pacific theatre campaign. This brought the division the title of the "Avengers of Bataan.'' The artillery returned to the states. Reorganized in 1947 as the 150th Field Artillery Battalion, medium, with 155 mm Howitzers, towed, headquarters at Kokomo. The three light battalions, 105 mm towed, were the 130th with headquarters at Crawfordsville, the 163rd with headquarters at Evansville and the 524th with headquarters at Bloomington.
1959: Reorganization in 1959 had the 150th Field Artillery Battalion redesignated as the 1st Battalion 150th Field Artillery The 524th Field Artillery Battalion was inactivated and redesignated as the 2nd Battalion 150th Field Artillery with headquarters at Bloomington.
1977: March of 1977 brought further realignment which saw the 1st Bn 150th Field Artillery being reassigned into other units. Since 1977, the 2nd Battalion 150th Field Artillery is the only unit carrying the 150th regimental designation.
1987: Headquarters and service batteries are at Bloomington, with "A" Battery at Greencastle, "B" Battery at Spencer, "C" Battery at Noblesville with 155 mm towed, and "D" Battery at Lebanon with 8'' towed.
There have been many changes and improvements in equipment and training in the artillery. It has gone from solid wheels to pneumatic tires, from horses to trucks, from chain measure to lasers, from compass and protractor to computerized fire control and new powders, fuzes and even rations. A11 the changes would make volumes. The artilleryman's training and education must keep up with these changes. The "King of Battle," the artillery, as it is seen in the 150th Regiment, has much history and tradition. We trust you will have pride in being a part of the Long Red Line of the artillery.
150th Field Artillery Regiment Jack P. Money (Hon. Co1.) Col. F.A. Ret.
Tad Wilson (Hon. Adjutant) Cpt. F.A. Ret.
Jack Shiflet (Hon. CSM) M/Sgt. F.A. Ret.
Bernard K. Bucklew, Historian Maj. F.A. Ret.
2003-2005: Operation Noble Eagle, CAJMTC and Newport Chemical Facility
2005-2006: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Raider Battery
2009-2010: OIF, 2-150 FEC
Let's not forget the various slices:
2004-2005 Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan Various individuals
from 2-150 in support of 76th Bde Embedded Training Teams.
2004-2005 OIF, Target Acquisition Battery
2008-2009 OIF, Two Batteries in support of 76th Bde
2009-2010 OEF, Various individuals in support of 1-219th AG Team
2002-2010 Many single soldiers in support of nearly every deployment from INARNG
Gules, on a pale argent six mullets of the field below a fess archy enhanced in the colors of the rainbow, between in fess a castle and a rattlesnake coiled to strike both or.
The shield is red for Artillery; the castle represents Spanish War service; the coiled snake, Mexican Border service, the six mullets (stars) the six major engagements, and the rainbow the Division in which the 150th Field Artillery served during World War I.
Motto: "Fide et Virtute" (With faith and valor.)
Current Battery Locations:
HHB- Bloomington
A- Greencastle
B- Rockville
C- Lebanon
Two Units under Command and Control of 2-150 FA E (TA) 139th FA-
Indianapolis 139th FSC- Crawfordsville
1882: 110 years ago, on the 22 Nov. 1882, the First Regiment Indiana Light Artillery was organized from the original Indiana Legion, with Col. Eli Lilly as the Chief of Artillery.
1895: In 1895 the name Indiana Legion was changed to the Indiana National Guard.
1898: Units of the 1st Battalion of Indiana Light Artillery Battalion were redesignated as the 27th and 28th Light Batteries, which served during the Spanish-American War.
1916: During the Mexican Border Campaign, the First Artillery Battalion of the Indiana National Guard served with Maj. Robert H. Tyndall commanding.
1917: While in training at Ft. Harrison, the First Indiana Field Artillery was designated as the 150th Field Artillery Regiment with assignment to the 42nd Rainbow Division, with 155 mm Howitzers, horse drawn. The 150th Regiment's engagements are represented by the six streamers on the regimental standard and the six stars on the regimental coat of arms. Col. Robert H. Tyndall was the World War I commander, 1917-19.
1921-1922: The artillery in Indiana was reorganized as the 1st Field Artillery Regiment, in 1921. In Jun.1921, it was redesignated as the 181st Field Artillery Because it was made up mostly of the 150th Field Artillery that had served during World War 1, it was redesignated as the 150th Field Artillery in Feb. 1922.
1936 – 1942: During peacetime, the annual training was mostly at Camp Knox, Ky. and Camp McCoy, Wisc. Some units were called on for various state services, such as railroad strikes, storm damages, mine strikes, etc. All units had become truck drawn by 1936. The 150th Artillery served during the flood of 1937 (as did all of the Indiana Guard). The Second Army maneuvers were held in Wisconsin, in 1940. In Jan. 1941 the 150th was inducted. In 1942, redesignated as the 150th Field Artillery Battalion, it served through the war with the 38th Infantry Division. (The 2nd Bn of the 150th was redesignated 208th Field Artillery, later redesignated 989th Field Artillery Battalion, and inactivated Feb. 1946.) Training started at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, the same camp where the division trained during World War I, and suffered the severe storm damage which gave them the name of Cyclone Division.
1943: Training continued in Camp Carrabelle, Florida and Camp Livingston, Louisiana.
1944 – 1947: Leaving New Orleans in Jan. 1944, they arrived in Hawaii for jungle training. In Jul. 1944 to New Guinea for amphibious training. The 150th Artillery was engaged at Bataan, Zigzag Pass, Corregidor, Manila Bay, Wah Wah Dam of the Pacific theatre campaign. This brought the division the title of the "Avengers of Bataan.'' The artillery returned to the states. Reorganized in 1947 as the 150th Field Artillery Battalion, medium, with 155 mm Howitzers, towed, headquarters at Kokomo. The three light battalions, 105 mm towed, were the 130th with headquarters at Crawfordsville, the 163rd with headquarters at Evansville and the 524th with headquarters at Bloomington.
1959: Reorganization in 1959 had the 150th Field Artillery Battalion redesignated as the 1st Battalion 150th Field Artillery The 524th Field Artillery Battalion was inactivated and redesignated as the 2nd Battalion 150th Field Artillery with headquarters at Bloomington.
1977: March of 1977 brought further realignment which saw the 1st Bn 150th Field Artillery being reassigned into other units. Since 1977, the 2nd Battalion 150th Field Artillery is the only unit carrying the 150th regimental designation.
1987: Headquarters and service batteries are at Bloomington, with "A" Battery at Greencastle, "B" Battery at Spencer, "C" Battery at Noblesville with 155 mm towed, and "D" Battery at Lebanon with 8'' towed.
There have been many changes and improvements in equipment and training in the artillery. It has gone from solid wheels to pneumatic tires, from horses to trucks, from chain measure to lasers, from compass and protractor to computerized fire control and new powders, fuzes and even rations. A11 the changes would make volumes. The artilleryman's training and education must keep up with these changes. The "King of Battle," the artillery, as it is seen in the 150th Regiment, has much history and tradition. We trust you will have pride in being a part of the Long Red Line of the artillery.
150th Field Artillery Regiment Jack P. Money (Hon. Co1.) Col. F.A. Ret.
Tad Wilson (Hon. Adjutant) Cpt. F.A. Ret.
Jack Shiflet (Hon. CSM) M/Sgt. F.A. Ret.
Bernard K. Bucklew, Historian Maj. F.A. Ret.
2003-2005: Operation Noble Eagle, CAJMTC and Newport Chemical Facility
2005-2006: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Raider Battery
2009-2010: OIF, 2-150 FEC
Let's not forget the various slices:
2004-2005 Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan Various individuals
from 2-150 in support of 76th Bde Embedded Training Teams.
2004-2005 OIF, Target Acquisition Battery
2008-2009 OIF, Two Batteries in support of 76th Bde
2009-2010 OEF, Various individuals in support of 1-219th AG Team
2002-2010 Many single soldiers in support of nearly every deployment from INARNG