Hosted by Senator Joe Donnelly's Office
Searching Near and
Far to Find the Right Job?
We’re here to help.
Discover how to fine-tune your job hunting skills to find the job you want.
Whether you’re trying to make your resume stand out from the crowd, learning
how to best present yourself when re-entering the workforce, or seeking answers
to other questions, join us for this FREE Job Seekers Workshop hosted by
Senator Joe Donnelly’s office, WorkOne, the City of Gary and Ivy Tech Community
Space is limited—email us to reserve your spot today! Include your full name,
mailing address, phone number and the two breakout sessions you want to attend.
You will receive a confirmation.
Monday, August 12, 2013
9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. CST
Ivy Tech Community College Gary 1440 East 35th Avenue Gary, Indiana 46409
Questions? Call 317.226.5555